Speed, security, reliability are only some of the advantages of working with us. In data we know what you need and we are ready to give it to you..
All of our technological and human potential, our installations and the most modern technology are willing to work in any moment in order to back-up your company’s decisions. From its conception until the result delivery, passing through the tracking of the first results, we can provide all kinds of multichannel data processing services. There are a lot of professionals who rely on us; this has made us big.
Do you want to know how it works?
Document scanning and information capture through a character recognition engine (OCR, OMR, ICR). It is optimum for surveys, forms, coupons, exams, and so on.
Totally secured and quality controls:
High levels of productivity mean Fewer costs:
Our clients deserve an added value based on:
A complete service for online interviews:
programming, mailing to panelists, hosting in our servers and treatment of results.
What we offer you:
This is a platform equipped with 160 posts to make telephone interviews. It is aim at research institutes, field networks, companies and public administrations.
Its features allow quick and trustable processes:
Complet is a software platform designed by ODEC to make surveys through different channels (the Web, smartphones, tablets).
Complet allows the following:
Complet is a product that evolves constantly. It has a lot of functionalities which facilitate the tasks of a study:
Global services to obtain the maximum yield of your company or market