Your reliability in us makes us bigger.
We are your information team, the only one able to offer you a personalized service in capturing, treatment and presentation of data in the most efficient way depending on each case. Information is essential in your decision taking. Ensure your strategy. Don’t put your investment at risk.
We are your technological partner, able to securely manage great volumes of data. We turn it into information to guarantee its rigor and order it in a useful way making it accessible in real time through the most up-to-date software. If this does not exist, we create it for you
We continue to advance, overcome challenges, prepared for the future.
La verdadera fuerza de ODEC son sus personas: un equipo profesional con experiencia y know-how en sus respectivos ámbitos de actuación, que ocupan puestos de Jefatura de proyectos, Técnicos/as de tratamiento de datos, analistas, desarrollo de software y personal multiservicio.
Our headquarters is based in Gandia in a 3.500 square meter building with modern technological and security tools:
We also have offices in Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia in order to be closer to our clients and, on the other hand, to provide them, in an autonomous way, with specialized services.
Ser pionera y estar siempre a la vanguardia nos permite llegar más lejos, ampliar las fronteras.
We work with clients in different countries by offering global solutions in the international markets.
The internationalization of our services is a proof that we are able to reach our client´s needs. That is the reason we are your Data Partner.
Global services to obtain the maximum yield of your company or market