We generate the information you need to help company decision making. More tan 50 years of experience says a lot about us. Our clients support us, together we have grown big by working with institutes and research companies, we offer global computer solutions from multichannel capture to the the most advance data process systems and result publishing.
Marketing and research departments of advertising and media agencies, mass media and advertisers… a lot of them have trusted us. ODEC is leader in audience research studies, software solutions for research and media planning, not only in Spain but also in LatAm.
We will give support to your marketing actions. Multiply your fields of action, make your company better and predict your clients’ behavior. At ODEC we offer you all the accumulated experience in the data process and management so that you can optimize your resources.
For years we have been helping the public administrations and institutions build a better society. We always contribute our experience and specialized expertise in projects related to statistics, documental, electoral and, in general, in any kind of management and information process on the back-office and front office side of the business:
Since 1985 we work tightly with the main automotive manufacturers, offering integral marketing services able to cover all their business areas:
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